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  • 舞弊行為包括損害、試圖損害或可能損害評估過程、任何資格的完整性或考試結果或證書的有效性的行為。 這可能會損害認證機構及學校的權威和聲譽。

  • 行政失當是指任何導致不遵守行政法規和要求的活動或做法。

  • GABHES 管理委員會不容許學員和內部/外部員工在任何資格和考試方面的不當行為或管理不當行為(或企圖採取的行為)。

  • 若已證實有不當行為或管理不善事件(或未遂事件),GABHES 管理階層可對學員或中心工作人員採取紀律處分。



本政策目標旨在制定調查和判斷學員舞弊行為和行政失當指控的程序。所有員工必須對舞弊和行政失當保持警覺。 對存在舞弊、行政失當行為,必須公平、徹底、公正、客觀地處理。


中心經理將監督因舞弊和行政失當指控而進行的調查。 中心經理將立即向校長(監管者)通報任何有關瀆職和管理不善的調查。 他們還必須告知所有涉嫌舞弊和行政失當的人其權利和責任。 調查將根據其嚴重性和範圍升級至 GABHES 管理委員會。



GABHES 管理階層鼓勵所有員工和學員執行以下操作:

  • 導師已獲得學員簽名作實,證明所有學員都聲明他們的作業是他們自己的做的

  • 所有學員都被告知不當行為以及對未遂事件和實際事件的處罰

  • 所有學員應了解記錄引用文本和其他有助於成就的相關資料或資訊來源的適當格式

  • 標記和檢查工作的程序有效率並減少或識別不當行為,例如: 抄襲、串通、作弊等

  • 存取控制可防止學員在使用連網電腦時存取和使用其他人的作品





  • 抄襲 - 複製或冒充自己的作品,包括:藝術品、圖像、文字、電腦生成的作品(包括網路資源)、思想、發明和/或發現,無論是否經過發明者同意

  • 串通-與其他學員合作,超出允許的範圍

  • 從其他學員複製或允許複製作品

  • 故意破壞其他學員的作品

  • 考場內的破壞性行為(包括使用攻擊性語言)

  • 交換、取得、接收、傳遞資訊(或嘗試),這可能與考試相關

  • 對課程作業的作者身分或作品集內容的真實性作出虛假聲明

  • 允許他人協助製作課程作業或協助他人製作課程作業

  • 濫用或試圖濫用考試材料和資源(例如樣本材料)

  • 在考試前擁有機密資料

  • 冒充/冒充他人

  • 竊取其他學員的作品

  • 將未經授權的資料帶入考場,例如學習指南

  • 表現或行為有損考試的公正性

  • 更改任何結果文件,包括證書

  • 不遵守審查員的指示或建議

  • 違反審查員的指示或建議


  • 未經校長批准而提供資格證書

  • 未能保證記錄的安全

  • 篡改學員字跡或收集後的課程作業

  • 未能保證學員電腦檔案(其中包含課程作業)的安全

  • 在考試前未經授權存取考試資料

  • 更改或更改內部評估組件的分數

  • 捏造學員相關能力的證據

  • 以虛構的學員參加考試

  • 改變評估標準

  • 未能確保學員的課程作業得到充分監控

  • 未能使用目前作業進行評估

  • 未能向學員發出適當的通知和警告

  • 未能保持準確及及時的記錄

  • 在發生或發現疑似不當行為事件後,未能盡快向 GABHES 管理階層報告

  • 未能對涉嫌不當行為進行徹底調查

  • 證書的不當保留或銷毀

  • 製作偽造的記錄,例如 病假條、學員ID

  • 濫用某些條件來滿足學員的特殊要求

  • 偽造記錄/證書



任何不當行為或企圖不當行為必須及時向校長報告。 任何引起關注的涉嫌不當行為事件都可能受到全面調查。學院經理將收集與所有涉嫌舞弊和行政失當事件相關的所有記錄和證據。 如果證據充足,中心經理會將案件提交給GABHES管理委員會,由該委員會負責調查程序。



學院經理將負責調查任何舞弊和行政失當的指控。 任何涉嫌事件必須儘早向校長報告。 如果發現或懷疑有不當行為,必須儘早以書面形式讓個人充分了解指控的性質以及一旦證實不當行為可能產生的後果。 必須讓個人有機會以書面回應所提出的指控,並告知其上訴途徑(如果判決對他們不利)。







透過對指控提出上訴,學員或工作人員聲稱他或她沒有違反中心有關舞弊和行政失當的政策。 所有上訴必須在收到涉嫌不當行為的通知後 7 個工作天內以書面形式提交給校長。



Policy statement

Malpractice consists of acts that compromise, attempt to compromise, or may compromise the assessment process, the integrity of any qualification, or the validity of an examination result or certificate. These can damage the authority and reputation of those responsible.


Maladministration is any activity or practice which results in non-compliance with administrative regulations and requirements.


GABHES Management Committee does not tolerate actions (or attempted actions) of malpractice or maladministration by Learners and internal/external staff in connection with any qualification and examinations. GABHES Management may take disciplinary action against learners or staff at centers where incidents (or attempted incidents) of malpractice or maladministration have been proven.



This policy defines procedures for investigating and determining allegations of malpractice and maladministration.


All staff must be vigilant regarding malpractice and maladministration. Where malpractice or maladministration occurs, it must be dealt with fairly, thoroughly, impartially, and objectively.


The Centre Manager will supervise investigations resulting from allegations of malpractice or maladministration. The Centre Manager will promptly inform The Principal (regulators) of any malpractice and maladministration investigations. They must also inform all suspected of malpractice or maladministration of their rights and responsibilities. Depending on their gravity and scope, investigations will escalate to the GABHES Management Committee.



GABHES Management encourages all staff and learners to do the following:  

  • Tutors to have obtained signed evidence that all Learners declare their work is their own

  • All Learners are informed of malpractice and the penalties for attempted and actual incidents

  • All Learners to be aware of the appropriate formats for recording cited texts and other relevant materials or information sources that can contribute to achievement

  • Procedures for marking and examining work are efficient and reduce or identify malpractice, e.g., plagiarism, collusion, cheating, etc.

  • Access controls to prevent Learners from accessing and using other people’s work when using networked computers

Learner Malpractice

Learner malpractice includes plagiarism, collusion, fabrication or falsification of results and anything else intended by those committing it to achieve results that they do not properly deserve.

  • plagiarism - copying or passing off work as one's own including: artwork, images, words, computer-generated work (including internet sources), thoughts, inventions and/or discoveries with or without the inventor’s consent

  • collusion – working collaboratively with other Learners beyond what is permitted

  • copying from another Learner or allowing work to be copied

  • deliberate destruction of another Learner’s work

  • disruptive behavior in an examination room (including the use of offensive language)

  • exchanging, obtaining, receiving, passing on information (or the attempt to), which could be examination-related

  • making a false declaration of authenticity in relation to the authorship of coursework or the contents of a portfolio

  • allowing others to assist in the production of coursework or assisting others in the production of coursework

  • the misuse, or the attempted misuse, of examination materials and resources (e.g. exemplar materials)

  • being in possession of confidential material in advance of the examination

  • impersonating/pretending to be someone else

  • theft of another Learner’s work

  • bringing into the examination room unauthorised material e.g. study guides

  • behaving in a manner as to undermine the integrity of the examination

  • altering any results documentation including certificates

  • failing to abide by instructions or advice of an Examiner

  • breach of the instructions or advice of an Examiner


Staff Malpractice and Maladministration
  • delivering a qualification without The Prinicpal approval

  • failing to keep records secure

  • tampering with Learners scripts or coursework after collection

  • failing to keep Learner computer files, which contain coursework secure

  • obtaining unauthorised access to exam materials prior to examination

  • altering or changing marks for internally assessed components

  • manufacturing evidence of competence

  • entering fictitious Learners for examinations

  • altering assessment criteria

  • failing to ensure Learners coursework is adequately monitored

  • failure to use current assignments for assessments

  • failure to issue Learners with appropriate notices and warnings

  • failure to keep accurate and timely records

  • failing to report an instance of suspected malpractice to GABHES Management as soon as possible after such an incident occurs or is discovered

  • failing to conduct a thorough investigation into suspected malpractice

  • inappropriate retention or destruction of certificates

  • producing falsified records e.g. sick notes, Learner ID

  • misusing conditions for special learner requirements

  • falsifying records/certificates


Discovery of Malpractice and Maladministration

Any malpractice or attempted acts of malpractice must be reported to the Principal in a timely manner. Any alleged incident of malpractice brought to attention could subject to full investigation.  


The Centre Manager will collect all records and evidence related to all alleged cases of malpractice. Should the evidence be proved sufficient, The Centre Manager would submit the case to the GABHES Management Committee, who will in charge the investigation procedures.


Dealing with Malpractice and Maladministration

The Centre Manager will hold the responsibility to investigate any allegation of malpractice and maladministration. Any alleged incident must be reported to the Principal at the earliest opportunity. If malpractice is discovered or suspected, the individual must be made fully aware, in writing, at the earliest opportunity of the nature of the allegation and of the possible consequences should the malpractice be proven. The individual must be given the opportunity to respond, in writing, to the allegations made and informed of the avenues for appealing should the judgement be made against them.

Investigations will escalate to the Education team depending on their gravity and scope.


Penalties applied

When malpractice or maladministration is proven, the Staff needs to undergo arbitration by GABHES Management Committee and face the appropriate disciplinary actions based on the severity of the situation.



By appealing the accusation, the Learner or Staff asserts that he or she did not violate center policy concerning malpractice or Maladministration. All appeals must be submitted to the Principal in writing no later than 7 working days after receipt of notification of the alleged malpractice.

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